Somos San Antonio (We Are San Antonio), a Celebration of Local Art
Villa Finale: Museum & Gardens invites the people of San Antonio to display their artwork during a one-evening community participation exhibition, Somos San Antonio (We Are San Antonio): A Celebration of Local Art at the Edward Steves Homestead on Friday, September 13th, from 6:00pm to 7:30pm, at the Edward Steves Homestead.
This art show, set against the backdrop of the Steves Homestead’s gardens, will feature works by local artists that celebrate all that makes San Antonio a unique and colorful city. The event will be admission-free and open to the public. Music, beverages, and light refreshments complete this unique garden exhibition experience.
Who is eligible to display their art at Somos San Antonio?
Budding artists of any age or skill level with art of any media may participate. Media includes but is not limited to:
- Photography
- Paintings
- Illustrations / Cartoons / Drawings
- Prints
- Sculpture
- Other creative forms, as approved
How can my art be included in the exhibition?
You may submit photos showing examples of your work via email at sgonzalez@villafinale.org. Artists must keep in mind that Somos San Antonio is a family-friendly event; therefore, we ask that art not include profanity, nudity, violent or sexual themes.
What are the criteria?
Art must be small and light enough to be put up and taken down at least one hour prior to and one hour after the conclusion of the event. A maximum of six pieces per artist may be displayed. Artists must bring their own display fittings (such as easels, pedestals, etc.) unless otherwise arranged with Villa Finale. Questions? Email
How will art and / or artists be selected for the exhibition?
Artists who submit photos showing examples of their work will be selected based on how well their pieces reflect the exhibition theme: all the things that make San Antonio a great and unique city.
May artists sell their art?
Yes, as long as the artist makes his or her own arrangements for payment, including the ability to make change if cash is involved.
For more information, please call us at (210) 223-9800 or email sgonzalez@villafinale.org
Saturday, September 13th
6:00pm - 7:30pm